Power of Mydayda
The most valuable asset you have is your health. In the past decade we have seen an explosion of apps and activity devices that work to encourage healthy choices and exercise. However, this technology is incomplete and was originally conceived and designed for a healthcare model based around discrete office visits and fragmented care.

Have you ever found yourself wondering...

Why is it still challenging to easily share my home readings and health updates with my doctor and add them to my health record?

How do I partner with my doctor to improve my health between office visits?

How do I know my health information is protected and who controls how it is shared?
Maydaya’s core purpose is to put you in control while providing the necessary tools for you and your doctor to work together to make the healthiest you possible.
Much of medical care in the United States is fragmented. Patients may visit a number of clinicians in different healthcare systems, especially for complex and chronic conditions. Electronic medical records held in one healthcare setting are often not interoperable, leading to episodic care, redundancy in medical services provided, and unnecessary medical errors.
Mydayda's framework is designed to empower individuals to collect their medical data and securely transmit it to their clinical team across varied healthcare systems.

For care to be fully patient centered, it should allow patients the option of interacting with their clinician or care team without visiting a facility. Similarly, the system should have a standard for equipping patients with the tools needed to prevent or manage illness outside of the clinician’s office.
Mydayda provides the tools needed for patients to collect their clinical data and securely share it with the members of their healthcare team. The data can be automatically incorporated into the medical record and allows clinicians to effectively and efficiently monitor patients outside of the clinical setting by providing alerts signaling health concerns.
With Mydayda you will begin a journey of healthy living by having access to your medical records in a centralized platform, organic conversations with your clinical team, and digital health tools to support you in self-management of your chronic conditions.
You are the expert when it comes to your body. When you collect and analyze all of the information, your questions tend to answer themselves. Informed patients and clinicians know that nobody knows everything, so approach it as a partnership. Patients who have the ability to work in partnership with their clinical team will experience safer and more satisfying outcomes.
Become the expert in you.

Mydayda is designed to be intuitive, easy to use and works with most Bluetooth enabled health devices. Track vital signs, mood, and symptoms which are instantly sent to your doctor. The ability to send photos and encrypted messaging allows for faster diagnosis and treatment. Additionally, create reminders and keep track of upcoming appointments to make sure you stay on the pathway to optimal health.